AMS Ministry

Franklyn and Jessica are currently leading the AMS (Arts, Media and Sports) collective of the London International Christian Church. 

What is the AMS Collective?  

From professional dancers to music teachers, voice-over actors to singer-songwriters, fashion models to athletes, photographers to footballers – we are an exciting and vibrant ministry filled with people who love God and love creative expression.

In Genesis 2:19 the Bible reads: “Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name.”

In this scripture, God gave Adam the opportunity to express his creativity by allowing him to name the animals He had made. Within the AMS Collective, we aim to provide people an opportunity to express their God-given creativity through a community of family, growth, and excellence.

This space of ingenuity and freedom has been something we’ve gratefully offered for the past 8 years, allowing artists to hone their craft, build relationships and deepen their God-given skills. 

We hold events throughout the year showcasing the best of London’s talents. Our open mic nights, lo-fi acoustic sessions and interactive talent workshops (just to name a few) are always open to all! We also regularly host AMS forums: a time where we network, pray, read the Bible together, and discuss ideas for future workshops and showcases. We can’t wait to hear from you!

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